A review of Wine-doors

What is wine-doors? Wine-doors is an application that puts windows software via wine on your system. For example you can install Flash which is the production of the flash images that you can create, Dreamweaver whixh helps you with web development, and ofcourse flashplayer 9. You can also get Firefox 1.5 and 2.0, windows media player 6 and 9, and demos of games. You may ask why anyone would want to run Dreamweaver on Linux? Well for one I do like making websites and as they do not support Linux I have to use it under wine for making websites. This is not all bad that they have these applications as most of them are trials trying to get you to buy the real product. This takes almost no time to install and you can get it from getdeb.net. This product will also install wine if you do not have it on your system so that you can run these applications. Wine-Doors downloads and helps you install the product that you are trying out or going to use for a length of time. Overall I believe that this is one of the best applications that I have tried and have been able to review.

Ryan Orser.

One response to “A review of Wine-doors”

  1. Wine Doors
    Screenshots, OGG videos and YouTube links (use the OGG files for clarity — YouTube copies are horrible at best).

    Please Note (from the site):
    “Since we have updated the application packs for the yet-unreleased Wine-Doors 0.1.3, 0.1.2 is now quite broken. For that reason, I urge everyone to update to 0.1.3 as soon as its available.

    If you’re brave, you can update to our development version in SVN and help out by filing bug reports.
    For the rest of you… hang in there, it shouldn’t be too much longer until 0.1.3 :)”

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