2007/05/08: Merge-O-Matic

here is what Scott James Remnant has to say about Merge-O-Matic:

After some hardware problems, the Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic and Patches
repository are now running again.

Status pages giving the outstanding(*) and updated(*) merges for each
component are available at the following URLs:

main http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
restricted http://merges.ubuntu.com/restricted.html
universe http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html
multiverse http://merges.ubuntu.com/multiverse.html

(*) outstanding merges are those packages for which no version has yet
been uploaded to gutsy; updated merges have already had a package
uploaded, which may or may not have been merged (check the

The name listed with each merge is the person who last uploaded the
package; if you think the merge may take a while, it’s worth using this
person as a contact point to prevent duplicated effort — but don’t
block on them not responding.

Happy Merging!


Scott James Remnant
Ubuntu Development Manager

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