Welcome to the first post of RyanOrser.com. I have another domain with a forum
I would like to thank Tom Dryer his website is a link to his name, and I would like to thank Mr. Joel my Networking Teacher who let me use this server for hosting my website.
I have used Ubuntu Linux to get this website up and running as of my other domain.
The first Linux I have used is Vector Linux 5.1, though it was fun at first i didn’t seem to like around june 06. On June 6 2006 I switched to Xubuntu, when it was first released, to have a change of experience. I used that til August 06 when my computer died. Luckily a few months later I had an external hard drive and I put Edgy Eft on it. Well the External Hard drive worked til about the middle of january, but then it died. then after i sent it back to the company a few weeks later I got a new one back. By then I had gotten this server that I am using to host this domain. I run Ubuntu LAMP Dapper Drake server on an Xubuntu Desktop. I use a laptop with the Fiesty Fawn beta in virtualization. In 21 days after this blogs release date I will have the released Final version on my Laptops Hard drive.
Thanks again,
Ryan Orser