Less Then a Week Until 8.10 RC

Yes there is less then a week left until the 8.10 Release Candidate comes out. Yesterday the Main was frozen and will probably not become unfrozen until the release is out. I am still using Ubuntu 8.10 Beta and have now had a few problems with packages:

  1. The Network-Manager will sometimes not display wireless access points and Ubuntu will not load my wireless card, though after a lot of rebooting the wireless card does come back online.
  2. Inkscape which I have reported a bug in has not been updated so I cannot use it because it crashed in the middle of myself applying a gradient when I was making a logo for a shirt that I would wear.
  3. Firefox 3.0.3 crashes a lot when I go to sites like googleanalytics, ad networks that I use, Gmail, sometimes my own site. All I know is that most of the sites use flash and will probably create the long waits of not responding or I close because I cannot wait any longer to work as I have so much work to do.

If any of the readers use 8.10 Intrepid and have the same troubles that I have had please go and tell the developers of Ubuntu: Firefox and Inkscape.

Thanks for reading,
Ryan Orser

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