I don’t know how many times I have tried to install Debian Lenny RC1, but I do know there is not a chance that I have had to get it fully installed. I have been using the netinstall cd which is an Ok install once you put aside the fact that it doesn’t completely work. I have tried both the graphical and the text mode installers. None of which work to the extent of completing the install. I would love to use Debian for a couple of months but also the number of install DVDs and CDs is way out there. I am not willing to download and install 5 DVDs or 20+ CDs just to have a distribution installed on my laptop.
I have to say though I have heard great things from other bloggers who have written reviews… though I cannot remember who they were… sorry.
I know this is a pretty short review of this but there is not much to tell. I had planned this review to come out yesterday but I thought Open Office 3 install on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex or Ubuntu 8.10 would be better.
Ryan Orser.
I will most likely put out the Mandriva Review this weekend, if I am not loaded with homework.