Air Strike Pre 6 Ubuntu Review

I really like this game. I used to play it during programming with my friends who were also bored as there was really nothing we could do to learn. There were no books that had every page in it from front to back, not only that the books and programs were not for the same version as the new one or which ever ones they were.

For me the best part of this game is that we played it in school when the teacher wasn’t around… mind you he was never around and was probably doing stuff with other teachers or organizing the lunch for staff. This game is fun and once you get into it you can think about nothing but playing that game. For me I had to drag myself off just to write this post. I really think it is that good.

You may ask what is it that you do in this game? Well you are either one of the the two different colored planes: Red or Blue. Once you have chosen to be Red or Blue you must try to destroy 5 of the other color to win.

The score is kept by how many of the other plane you destroy. There is something like an accelerometer that is where your health is. The more you are hit the more likely your plane will explode.

There are 2 different weapons: Bombs (Limited) and Bullets (Unlimited). When you start with a life you get a maximum of 5 bombs (to start with) which you try to hit the other plane with. With each new life you get 5 bombs.The sad part is that the bombs with which you died with before do not carry over.

The bullets of course are unlimited and you just can fire away at anything there is: Birds (which die and others chase you and lower your life) or balloons which will drop items that can be useful if you catch it.

Those items which you can get are: Birds (which as I  said before chase your opponent and lowers their life,) Cannon which makes the cannon fire at your opponent, and bombs (which is very hard to get and will give you more bombs to fire at your opponent.)

Overall this is a very good game and very fun to play. I guess I am off to play it now.

Ryan Orser.

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