Upgrading from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 9.04 RC

Last night I upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10 to the Ubuntu 9.04 Release Candidate in less then 2 hours. I had no troubles when I upgraded but when I  turned on my computer after the restart I have the resolution of 1024 x 768 (4:3) so a bit of my computer screen is not used. I hope this is fixed as  it looks really weird.

Jaunty looks great and runs really fast and I hope there is more to come for Ubuntu 9.04 and for the screen resolution problem that I have. There is also a bug report for the screen resolution for the intel GM965.

Great job Ubuntu Developers.

Ryan Orser.

3 responses to “Upgrading from Ubuntu 8.10 to Ubuntu 9.04 RC”

  1. I have the same problem.
    I upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and this version let the screen with black sides (left and right), but my another partition that have windows is normal, with no black sides.
    This version have only 4:3 and 9:5 resolution…

    Will they solve this?
    I was thinking in install the 8.04 or 8.10 again…


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