2007/08/17 MIT Engineers World’s First Schizophrenic Mice
“MIT researchers have created a schizophrenic mouse that pinpoints a gene variation predisposing people to schizophrenia. Research with the mouse may lead to the first genetically targeted drugs for the disease, which affects 1 percent of the population worldwide. This is the first study that uses animals who demonstrate an array of symptoms observed in…
2007/08/16 RIAA Backtracks After Embarrassing P2P Defendant
Harmony writes “When the RIAA sued Sgt. Nicholas Paternoster, it included a screenshot of a shared folder with over 4,600 files — some of which were pornographic images unrelated to the case. Last week, the RIAA got permission from a judge to, as a ‘professional courtesy,’ swap out the original exhibit for one with only…
2007/08/15 Office Printers May Pose Health Risks
drewmoney writes “The BBC reports on new findings which may have implications for the way offices are laid out. According to an Australian study, around a third of modern printer models release ‘potentially dangerous levels of toner into the air’ as they are completing a job. ‘Almost one-third were found to emit ultra-tiny particles of…
2007/08/14 YouTube Video-Fingerprinting Due in September
Tech.Luver writes “The Register is reporting on Google’s statement to a presiding judge that video-fingerprinting of YouTube material will be ready in September. The development is required to head off a three-headed suit against the company, currently being debated in a New York City courthouse. The system will, according to Google, ‘be as sophisticated as…
2007/08/13 Firm Sues Sony Over Cell Processor
An anonymous reader writes that earlier this month, Sony received word of a lawsuit from a Newport Beach company called Parallel Processing. They’ve filed against the electronics giant alleging that the Cell processor, used in the PlayStation 3, infringes on a patent they own. They’ve made the somewhat outrageous demand that every infringing chip (and…
2007/08/10 Does ODF Have a Future?
qedramania writes “Linuxworld seems to think ODF is a dead duck. Is the Windows monopoly too big and too entrenched? Other than diehard Linux fans, does anyone really care if they have to keep paying Microsoft to do basic word processing? It seems as though the momentum is towards a complete Microsoft monoculture in software…
2007/08/09 Clearance For New Linux Wireless Driver
Here is the story from Slashdot: An anonymous reader writes “The Software Freedom Law Center has given legal clearance to OpenHAL, a wireless component for Linux, based on their pro-bono review of the code. This announcement dispels allegations of infringement on Atheros’ proprietary HAL software. ‘We believe that this outcome will clear the way for…
2007/08/08 A CIO’s View of Ubuntu
Here is another Story from Slashdot: onehitwonder writes “Well-known CIO John Halamka has rigorously tested six different operating systems over the course of a year in an effort to find a viable alternative to Microsoft Windows on his laptop and his company’s computers. Here is CIO.com’s initial writeup on Halamka’s experiences; we discussed their followup…
2007/08/07 FCC Goes Halfway On Opening 700 MHz Spectrum
Here is the story from Slashdot: The FCC has set rules for the upcoming auction of 700-MHz spectrum and they went halfway on the four open access principles that Google and others had called for. The agency said yes to “open devices” and “open applications,” thus requiring the auction winner to permit consumers to use…
2007/08/06 AT&T Deal With eMusic Excludes iPhones
I know this Story is an old one though I have to write these ahead of time: ubermiester writes “ArsTechnica reports that AT&T has inked a deal with eMusic, a direct competitor to Apple’s iTunes music store. eMusic specializes in independent artists and offers DRM-free content for direct download. For a monthly fee (the number…