2007/08/01 Mouse or Trackball?

Here is the story from Slashdot:

  Loconut1389 writes “I’ve been an avid mouse user for years, but lately all of the wrist movements have added up and combined with a desire for some added precision when not using my tablet in photoshop, I decided to purchase a large trackball. Logitech makes a few with a small, thumb controlled ball, but it looked like you’d get a tired thumb and have no added precision. After searching around, it seems that the only large one really available is a Kensington for about $90. Only CompUSA seemed to even carry the kensington in-store (and had none in stock). After ordering one online and using it for a few days now, I don’t know how I ever lived with a mouse. The trackball has better precision, less wrist movement, and even gaming is pretty cool/easy with it (can spin it to whip around real quick, etc). All that said, it seems like trackballs have all but vanished except in medical fields (sonograms, etc) and perhaps graphic arts. I’m left insanely curious why trackballs haven’t resurfaced now that optical technologies have fixed the main problems of old trackballs (and mice). Do you use a trackball? If so, are you in graphic design?”

One response to “2007/08/01 Mouse or Trackball?”

  1. No, I’m not in design. At first I hated trackballs, but later I was hooking when I started using them in Quake. I have never went back. I love them.

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