Poll Ends Friday April 17th 2009

Vote now for your favorite applications for review. The top 3 will be chosen.

Here is what the applicati0n needs to be reviewed:

  1. You CAN choose UP TO 5 options per vote.
  2. There is to be 1 vote per Global IP.
  3. Min. # of votes: 4 to have the application reviewed.
  4. Max. # inifinite
  5. The top 3 applications will be reviewed on these terms:
  • That the application has an equal or greater number of votes then the min. # needed to be considered.
  • That it is 1 of the top 3
  • And if there is a tie I may consider at my own discretion the application I will review.

Poll ends Friday so get your vote in!

[poll id=”2″]

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