2007/08/31 Lobbying Could Cause Legal Trouble for Microsoft
Here is a story about Microsoft: Lobbying Could Cause Legal Trouble for Microsoft Posted by Zonk on Friday August 31, @05:00PM from the keep-it-above-board-maybe dept. Rob Isn’t Weird writes “In the wake of the exposure of Microsoft’s attempt to buy Sweden’s vote on OOXML and Sweden’s annulment of that vote due to…
2007/08/20 Linus on Subversion, GPL3, Microsoft and More
I am now back from Holidays! Here is a story from slashdot: victor77 writes “Linus has repeatedly slammed Subversion and CVS, questioning their basic architecture. Subversion community has responded…how valid is Linus’s statement?” This and many other subjects are covered in this interview with Linus. Here is some of the interview: Monday, August 20, 2007:…
2007/07/31 Slashdot: A Majority of Businesses Will Not Move to Vista
Here is the story from Slashdot IT: oDDmON oUT writes “An article on the Computerworld site quotes polling results from a potentially-divisive PatchLink survey. The poll shows that the majority of enterprise customers feel there are no compelling security enhancements in Windows Vista, that they have no plans to migrate to it in the…
2007/07/30 Microsoft FUD Watch!
Well here is something that it seems to go on and on. Slashdot’s story of Microsoft FUD Watch: rs232 writes “Not a week goes by when Microsoft doesn’t manufacture a little fear, uncertainty and doubt about something. Yesterday’s financial analyst conference was full of it … Our approach is simple: We look at who said…
2007/07/28 Dell to offer more Linux PC’s
Here is an article on Slashdot: “According to this article, Mark Shuttleworth from the Ubuntu camp says Dell is seeing a demand for the Linux-based PC and, “There are additional offerings in the pipeline.” I’m starting to see flashbacks of the days when Microsoft partnered up with IBM to gain control of the desktop market.…
2007/07/27 Slashdot: A historical Look at the First Linux Kernel
This is a article on slashdot taking a look at the historical Linux Kerel 0.01: LinuxFan writes “KernelTrap has a fascinating article about the first Linux kernel, version 0.01, complete with source code and photos of Linus Torvalds as a young man attending the University of Helsinki. Torvalds originally planned to call the kernel “Freax,”…
2007/07/25 Slashdot.org: Virtual Containerization
Here is a story from Slashdot.org: Virtual Containerization AlexGr alerts us to a piece by Jeff Gould up on Interop News. Quoting: “It’s becoming increasingly clear that the most important use of virtualization is not to consolidate hardware boxes but to protect applications from the vagaries of the operating environments they run on. It’s all…
2007/07/11 Ryan Orsers’ Laptop New Operating System
I have just moved (on my laptop) from Windows Vista to Fedora 7. There was a lot of test trials on my laptop including but not limited to Mandriva (Formally called Mandrake) and PCLinuxOS. Yesterday I put Fedora 7 on my Laptop as I was looking for some Operating System to boot…. Vista would not.…
2007/07/09 New Microsoft Ally
A New Microsoft ally! Not good though this blogger said that microsoft will fall behind sooner rather then later. http://www.madpenguin.org/cms/?m=show&id=7934 here is an excerpt: Love it or hate it, Microsoft’s IP attacks will continue, Linux user numbers will continue to grow and broad spectrum adoption throughout the rest of the world will grow and flourish.…
2007/07/05 Microsoft announces development facility in Vancouver, BC!
Yes indeed this is true. I have read 2 articles on this. the U.S.A has not been targeting kids to become scientists or engineers says a micrsoft employee. So *icrosoft is taking quite abit of money to get the highly skilled computer Scientist / engineers to come to work at *icrosoft. thats all for now!…