2007/10/01 Microsoft Prepping Browser-based Word and Excel

What in the world????

It seems that Microsoft is prepping it word and excel to be browser based. Here is the story from slashdot.org:

Microsoft Prepping Browser-based Word and Excel

Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 01, @09:59AM
from the because-they-must dept.


JCWDenton writes “In a bid to spin its web-based version of Office into contention with rival internet behemoth Google, Microsoft has said it will begin accepting applications for beta testing its web apps later this year. There is one significant difference, however: unlike Google apps, Microsoft said users of its new service can only create or edit online documents if they have Office software already installed on their machines. Microsoft said features of its Office Live Workspace would include allowing users to upload more than 1,000 documents to free personal websites.”

dun dun duh…….


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